Mohit Tawarmalani

hear (pronounce)

Recent Appointments

  • Executive Associate Dean of Faculty
    Acting ... (Sep 2023 — June 2024)
    Interim Dean (Jul 2023 — Aug 2023)
    Mitch Daniels School of Business
    • Restructuring the business school with nine departments instead of two.
    • Representing the business school in faculty affairs and research.

  • Academic Director
    Krenicki Center for Business Analytics and Machine Learning
    • Engaged companies with the center on projects in business applications of data science
    • Led the team that won the INFORMS UPS George D. Smith Prize

  • Area Head
    Quantitative Methods
    • Established the Bachelors Program in Business Analytics and Information Management
    • Bachelor's program became the second largest undergraduate major in the School of Business
    • Navigated multiple starts for masters program during COVID

  • Academic Co-Director
    Masters in Business Analytics and Information Management
    • Led the curriculum design team
    • Developed new interview processes and advertising strategies
    • Program is the largest residential graduate major in the School of Business

  • Professor of Management
    Allison and Nancy Schleicher Chair (2014 — present)
    Chemical Engineering (Courtesy) (2022 — present)
    • Developed new convexification techniques for MINLP
    • Developed hierarchies and algorithms for disjoint bilinear programs
    • Devised new envy-free pricing techniques for product bundles
    • Designed new sustainable processes for separations and chemical processes
    • Developed new techniques for network routing for demand uncertainty and failure resilience